3Hz Studio

A donation-based recording, mixing, and mastering studio in Austin, Texas


3Hz is a neutralizing frequency which prepares a substrate for programming. When we bring your art into this studio we are imprinting your vision and your frequencies into our space and projecting it into reality.

We do not charge a specific price for our services and instead perform all of our work through donations. We treat all work the same regardless of how much you donate.

We perform mixing, mastering, and recording services for all types of music. We use Lynx Aurora (n) converters and analog summing through vintage or modern gear where applicable. Our main monitoring setup is a set of Focal Solo6be and auratone monitors, but we will also listen on headphones such as the Focal Elex and Sennheiser HD650 to dial in the low-end. Mono compatibility is a must.

We can also track drums for you or add other production elements through a number of hardware and software synths. There are no limits. Contact us today, and we will do our best to imprint your art into reality.



We perform all of our work through donations. If you choose to donate, we ask that you donate from the heart.


Sunset Valley
Austin, Texas


© Copyrights 3Hz Studio. All Rights Reserved